Butternut Squash Soup

The other day when we went apple picking (see my last post to read about it https://threebirdsonescone.wordpress.com/2016/10/11/the-best-fall-apple-crumble/?iframe=true&theme_preview=true), I noticed that the farm was selling butternut squash at a good price. So, naturally, I bought three of them. With them, Matt and I made squash fritters, roasted the squash, and then finally, this soup. Of course,…

The Best Fall Apple Crumble

A few weekends ago, I went apple picking with a few wonderful friends I have made here in St. Louis. It was a great way to start the fall season, but I also ended up coming home with more apples than I knew what to do with. So, yesterday, I became determined to do something…

The Return of Three Birds One Scone: Fall Edition

So, WordPress told me that it’s been a year since my last post. That’s not exactly an accident. A year ago, I had become very disheartened with Three Birds One Scone. I didn’t feel very proud of the images I was putting forth even though I was very happy with and proud of the food…


These granola bars have been a work in progress for a while. Normally when I cook I make things up in my head all time, but since baking requires a bit more finesse, I usually look up a few recipes beforehand and pick out my favorite aspects of each. For some reason though, I chose not to look…

Spiced Mango Dessert Smoothie

One day you will have the unique opportunity of having a ripe mango and a ripe banana at the same time and when you do, I would highly recommend that you make this smoothie. Because it was awesome. You know how I know? My fiance who does not like mangos decided he did after drinking…

Sweet Potato Apple Sandwiches

Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time (specifically around 10:30 PM on a weeknight) a girl and her boyfriend were hungry so they said “lets go get some food”! The boy suggested going to Cookout and she said “sure, why not?”. But when they got there, the girl felt a need to…

Homemade Burrito Bowls

Burrito bowls. You’re hungry now, right? If you’re a college student, you’ve probably heard everyone rave about burritos, and more specifically Chipotle (see example). Burrito bowls are a delicious and mostly healthy way to get a quick, yummy meal (we’ll just ignore the serving size). But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been…

Kale and Sweet Potato Salad

Today I made a salad that Matt (my boyfriend) actually liked. It was then that I knew I needed to post the recipe on my blog. It was so simple yet so delicious! Sadly, I don’t have a picture of it. I fully intended on taking a picture but then I took one bite and…